June 7th, 201830199After Gehad was transferred to the Leiman hospital last month for two laparoscopic surgery on the knees, on Thursday (May 10th), General Mohammed al-Ansari ordered the...
Gehad El-haddad addressed the court in his trial today:
"I have been held in pretrial detention for this case for nearly 5 years. Before my detention, I was in great...Case Updates
Today we learnt the following:
On Thursday, May 10, when Gehad was scheduled for a court hearing the head of the prison insisted that Gehad doesn’t use a...Case Updates
The canteen has been emptied and visits are forbidden for 60 days to punish inmates.
This is a forced hunger strike.
Gehad has been on a hunger strike for 9 days...Case Updates
Gehad's blood sugar level is 38 as we now know .. which poses a real danger to his life, especially that the liver enzymes are high!
Gehad started his hunger strike 7...Case Updates
On May 7, 2018, Amnesty International published Crushing Humanity: The Abuse of Solitary Confinement in Egypt's Prisons. The document exposes human rights abuses that...Case Updates
Today Gehad's wife visited him in prison. The visit was strange by all standards: (Those who do not know the visit in Al-Aqrab prison are in two separate rooms with a...Case Updates
"I was just informed that my son, Gehad, was severely beaten yesterday in the prison of Al-Aqrab. He was beaten in his solitary cell .. and his condition is very...Case Updates
Today I saw my husband, Dr. Essam Al-Haddad, in the court during his hearing and learned that since he was transferred to Leiman Hospital. He has been imprisoned in a...